Domestic abuse crimes at second worst ever level in Scotland

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New statistics show that domestic abuse crimes are at the second worst ever level in Scotland.
The latest figures, published today by the Scottish Government, show that domestic abuse cases remained extremely high at 64,807 incidents a year, a fall of just 1 per cent on the previous year.
They also reveal that 64 per cent of cases were repeat offences, including a victim and suspected criminal who had previously been recorded in a domestic abuse incident.
Pam Gosal MSP, who is bringing forward a bill in the Scottish Parliament to tackle domestic abuse, said the “shocking” figures were “clear evidence that the government must act”.
Gosal urged the government and MSPs of all parties to back her Domestic Abuse Register Bill proposal.
Many organisations run by the Muslim community have given their full support to the bill, those who were “fully supportive” included Pakistan Social Club Scotland, and the Scottish Iraqi Association.
A number of other organisations were “partially supportive”, including Victim Support Scotland, the Muslim Women’s Resource Centre and Committed to Ending Abuse.
The Muslim’s Women Resource Centre saw a threefold increase in calls during the pandemic but stressed that there is no national picture in Scotland of the experiences of BME women when it comes to domestic abuse. They also told the Scottish Parliament Social Justice committee that 50 per cent of BME victims who have experienced abuse are more likely to have been abused by multiple perpetrators.
Gosal hopes that her proposed Bill will tackle domestic abuse within BAME communities. The West of Scotland MSP is seeking to pass a bill that would introduce a domestic abuse register, similar to the sex offenders’ register.
More than 91 per cent of people and organisations who responded to the consultation for the bill proposal were supportive, with 86 per cent of all respondents saying they were “fully supportive”.
In total, 23 organisations have voiced support for the introduction of Pam Gosal’s Domestic Abuse Register Bill at Holyrood.
Gosal, who is seeking to pass a Domestic Abuse Register Bill, said, “These shocking new figures are clear evidence that the government must act.
“It is appalling that so many domestic abuse cases include repeat offenders who keep committing this horrific act again and again.
“Behind every one of these figures is a victim who has suffered despicable acts including physical violence and emotional manipulation. We cannot stand by and let this continue to happen.
“My proposal for a Domestic Abuse Register Bill would help to support victims and prevent criminals from committing these awful offences in the first place.
“A one-size fits all approach to tackling domestic abuse simply does not work when different demographics and cultures have different needs.”
“I urge MSPs from all parties, especially those in government, to consider supporting my bill proposal so we can end the scourge of domestic abuse.”